Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Nicole Severn

Romance is a billion dollar a year industry, making up about fifty-five percent of worldwide book sales according to Romance Writer’s of America (Bowkley). So it stands to reason, romance is also the most written. 

There is no “one formula fits all” or word count requirement for romance, but whether you write suspense, contemporary, paranormal, historical, or erotic, the same five rules apply across all sub-genres to make your readers fall in love with your book and your characters.

Rule #1: Focus on the Romance

No matter what sub-genre you write, romance is the central theme. Suspense and thrills keep readers turning the pages and historical and paranormal details are fascinating, but that’s not what you’re writing about. Not really.

You’re writing about characters twisting and stumbling their way toward love.

According to the 2012 Romance Book Consumer survey, the top reason for readers to buy your romance is the story (Bowker). Those ups and downs your characters experience in their relationship are the reason that reader picked up or downloaded your book. So no matter how many action scenes you have, what your character does for a day job or how big a part your hero’s pet plays in the plot, romance is the only thing that matters.

Homework: Go through your manuscript and highlight themes not dedicated to the growing romance between your characters (anything plot related, backstory, antagonist point of view if applicable). From there, determine a general percentage of how much of your manuscript veers away from the romance then reduce the percentage without compromising the story as a whole.

Rule #2: Get H & H Together ASAP

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  • How Authors Can Evaluate Hybrid Publishers | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/PdPZ7
  • The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Google Analytics - Moz http://ow.ly/PdQia
  • 3 Secrets of Sentence Length Power | Word Power http://ow.ly/PdSdF
  • Revision Made Simple in 10 Steps | GrubStreet http://ow.ly/PdSoI
  • INFOGRAPHIC: Is Your Book a Young Adult Romance? | Swoon Reads http://ow.ly/PdSv7
  • If Your Novel Needs More Urgency and Momentum, Ask These Seven Questions! | GrubStreet http://ow.ly/PdSIX
  • MFRW - Marketing for Romance Writers: How Indie Authors Pick Keywords @kayelleallen #MFRWauthor #authortips http://ow.ly/PdSOj
  • Your blogs should be as well written as your novels. - Venture Galleries http://ow.ly/PdT0g
  • The Write Conversation : 3 Ways I Save Money as a Writer http://ow.ly/PdT6U
  • Want to Build an Email List? 7 Newsletter Platforms to Choose From http://ow.ly/PdTbS
  • 8 Collaboration Tools to Improve Your Content Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/PdTes
  • Authors and Internet Marketing + Links — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/PdTpI
  • How to Use Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest to Build Your Platform, Sell Books, and Attract New Readers - http://ow.ly/PdTMV
  • 5 Rules of Writing Romance by Nichole Severn http://ow.ly/PdTWv
  • Marketing for Writers How to Generate Early Interest in Your Book by Asking Questions and Getting Feedback - http://ow.ly/PdUbR
  • MFRW - Marketing for Romance Writers: Author-to-Author: Using Goodreads @HelenaFairfax #MFRWauthor http://ow.ly/PdUl5
  • Fiction University: The Do-It-Yourself Writers’ Retreat http://ow.ly/PdUtv
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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