Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jessica Bell

Book promotion expert Ben Cameron always says “writing the blurb is the hardest 100 words you’ll ever write”, and many authors are also stumped when it comes to writing the front and back matter – another task that usually falls just when you’re feeling least like writing another word, after completing your book’s final edit. Coming to the rescue today is ALLi partner member Jessica Bell, also an author and book designer, with this handy summary.

The front and back matter in a book are one of the key factors to presenting a professional and quality product. If done haphazardly, it’s a sure sign in most people’s eyes that the book content will not be up to par. So please do take these things as seriously as your story.

First, I’ll explain what to include, and how to order it in a paperback. Then I will tell you how to reorder the content for your ebook.


Front matter can be subjective as it varies from book to book, but I’m going to advise you based on what I would do. The order isn’t set in stone, but it’s what I think looks the best in a paperback.

Praise for Title of Book

The amount of praise is going to differ depending on the trim size of your book, and the type and size of the font used. So if you intend to put Praise in the front matter, make sure you collect enough. You can always trim the quotes down too. If you don’t have any quotes, or don’t want to get quotes from authors or media to put here, don’t worry about it, just start with the next step.

Tip: Here’s a great article on how to get quotes for the cover of your novel on (an excellent forum for writers).

About the Author

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To read the rest of this post, click here:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  • Self-editing masterclass snapshots – ‘My drafts are too brief’ | Nail Your Novel
  • Sharing Your Space #writetip
  • WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Why Do I Suddenly Need to Vacuum Every Time I Sit Down to Write?
  • Should You Write For Yourself Or Your Audience? - Writers Write
  • Wherever I Lay My Hat - How Setting Affects Your Characters - Writers Write
  • How to Rekindle Your Writing When You've Lost Touch | Writing Forward
  • Sex and Science Fiction |
  • Front and Back Matter in Books | Self-Publishing Advice for Writers
  • Innovative Bookshop Event | Self-Publishing Advice for Writers
  • Two Questions to Book Marketing Success or Failure
  • The Reason Writers Conferences Are Worth It by @K8Tilton
  • Removing the 140-character limit from Direct Messages | Twitter Blogs
  • Official Google Blog: Google Hangouts: now simpler, faster, more beautiful
  • Introducing New, High-Performing Ad Formats in the Audience Network
  • Now With 4 Million Users, Design Platform Canva Launches To Businesses | TechCrunch
  • Anne R. Allen's Blog: Mastering the Radio Interview: 10 Tips for Authors from a Talk Radio Host
  • A Fresh Take on a Launch Party - Books & Such Literary Management
  • How to Write a Bio That Will Turbocharge Your Guest Posts | Write to Done
  • Book marketing overwhelm: You can’t do it all | Build Book Buzz
  • Instill a Love of Books by Reading to Your Child
  • How Authors Can Build Their Audience on Instagram [Guest Post] — Self Publishing Team
  • How Many Drafts Did You Do Of Your Book? | CATHERINE RYAN HOWARD
  • Writing Novels - 8 Things You Need to Know (From a Former Journalist) |
  • Release News! How Has the Writing Community Helped You? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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