Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Anne R. Allen

A lot of marketing gurus
 are advising authors to cut back on blogging and social media and go back to the email marketing of the last decade. 

"The author with the biggest mailing list wins," has become a mantra with self-publishing gurus.

Go to most blogs and websites these days and you'll be assaulted by a pop-up window that demands you subscribe to a newsletter before you even get to see if the site has content you're interested in. (I'm glad to see that book marketing guru Frances Caballo agrees with me about how obnoxious those pop-ups are.)

Some vendors won't even let you get a glimpse of their merchandise unless you surrender your email address for spamming purposes. These companies are paying big money for advertising, just for the privilege of slamming their cyber-doors in the faces of potential customers. (Because who cares if you make any sales, right? What's important is helping the pop-up cartel take over the world!)

I assume they are following advice from the same marketers who tell authors to stockpile the addresses of everybody we've ever brushed electrons with in order to spam them with daily tips, interviews, recipes, and "calls to action" (buy my book, review my book, why haven't you reviewed my book, pre-order my next book, and seriously, why haven't you reviewed my book?)

This is because, they keep insisting, "spam newsletters sell more books ."

These experts must have access to statistics I don't. But until I see proof, I'm not dropping my blog for a clunky old newsletter.


Because I hate getting newsletters. And I like to follow that Golden Rule thing.

Are Emails More Effective than Social Media?

. . .

To read the rest of this post, click here:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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