Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Annette Lyon

In the famous movie The Fugitive from the early 90s, Tommy Lee Jones has a fantastic line that people still quote and remember And it's all of three words.

He delivers the line when he's got Harrison Ford's character almost caught, standing at the edge of a water pipe that opens hundreds of feet above a river. Jones's character is simply doing his job to catch an escaped convict.

Ford's character, who was falsely convicted, cries out: "I didn't kill my wife!"

Jones's reply is simple and powerful, and delivered with slow deliberation, almost without emotion from fatigue. "I. Don't. Care."

Now that is effective dialog.

There's more to that line. The story goes that the script originally had several sentences there, a mini speech for Tommy Lee Jones to deliver as to why this isn't personal; he's doing his job, and yada yada.

Jones as an actor had the instinct that shorter is better, to trust the audience to get it. That doing so will be far more effective.

He cut the speech entirely and replaced it with those three words, "I don't care," that communicate more to the audience in three seconds than a three-minute speech could.

Writers could use this as a lesson on how to write good dialog.

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To read the rest of the post, click here:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  • How a Book Becomes a Movie | Jane Friedman
  • Do you write to write? Or write to sell? | Writers In The Storm
  • Mythcreants » Writing a Short Story vs a Novel
  • Writing in the First Person | Self-Publishing Advice for Writers
  • Writers On The Move: Multiple Points of View: Good or Bad? 5 Ways to Improve Your Email Newsletter Performance
  • Mythcreants » How to Personify the Seven Deadly Sins
  • 7 ways to promote your book while watching TV - Build Book Buzz
  • Writing on the Wall: Powerful Dialog: Shorter Is Often Sweeter
  • Diversity in Children’s Books Is Hard to Find—But Important | Chicago magazine | Politics & City Life June 2015
  • 5 Novel Writing Tips from a First-Time Plotter
  • 22 Ways a Blog Can Sell Books — The Book Designer
  • Can We Learn from Reading “Bad” Writing? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  • Author, Jody Hedlund: 4 Steps for Organizing Plot Ideas Into a Novel
  • ProBlogger Podcast: Can You Really Make Money Blogging? - @ProBlogger
  • Graphs to Inspire and Depress the Indie Author – BookBaby
  • Everything Is Writing “I love writing, but I hate all the other stuff that comes with it!” We cry. “If only...!”
  • Laundering Lines: Converting Excess Exposition into Dialogue | Drew Chial
  • Beach Reads and Why the Novella Rocks | Writers In The Storm
  • Writability: Platform Building for Beginners: Where to Start?
  • 3 Crucial Editing Phases All Authors Need to Sell More Books
  • Three Ways to Organize Your Ultimate Home Writing Space (Plus Infographic) - Where Writers Win
  • Anne R. Allen's Blog: Your "LOOK INSIDE!" Book Preview: Will it Turn Readers Away or Close the Sale?
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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