Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Melissa Chu

Right now, I’m at the point where I’ve just finished writing a long piece of work. I hope it’s good. There’s just one thing about it that’s keeping me up at night, though.

I’m afraid my writing is boring.

Not everyone is so afraid of writing something that’s boring. I know some writers who think they have a lot to share. They ramble on non-stop, unaware that the listeners have turned into zombies. Others, however, are so self-conscious that when given a choice, they choose to write nothing at all.

Turns out, it’s not easy to write something that is interesting.

How Do You Know Your Writing Is Boring?

There aren’t any visible signs. You obviously can’t see your readers yawn, or watch them fall asleep while reading your writing. Chances are people won’t even tell you when you’re writing is boring.

However, boring writing has a tendency to follow similar patterns. If you can detect them, you can eliminate these mistakes from your writing.

Let’s go over four ways you might bore your readers:

1. Boring writing uses ten words when five would have been better

If you are using extraneous words and letters to get your points across, right now may be the perfect, most wonderful, and truly beautiful time to cut them out.

Phew, that was a mouthful. Please, don’t do what I just did.

Using words that add no value tires readers out. The prime suspects of useless words are usually adverbs and adjectives. The next time you run across one, ask yourself, “Do I really need this?”

Don’t be afraid to cut words if they do nothing to move the story forward.

When you first start writing, use words as generously as you want. Go ahead and sprinkle descriptions liberally. But when you go back to edit your writing, pluck out the fluffy ones, leaving behind only the precious gems.

2. Boring writing describes everything under the sun
. . .

To read the rest of the post, click here:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets Thursday, here they are again:
Happy writing and running, Kathy 


Meredith and Lincoln

Two of my grandchildren, Meredith and Lincoln, along with their other grandmother visited the Fort Thomas/Carrico Branch of the Campbell County Library yesterday and donated copies of my books!

The first book, "The Ruby Brooch", has characters named after my grandchildren, James Cullen and Henry. The second book, "The Last Macklenna" has as the main character Meredith in honor of my granddaughter. Lincoln and my granddaughter Charlotte are characters in "The Sapphire Brooch".

The next book, "The Emerald Brooch" is due out November 1, 2015 and features Meredith and Lincoln's cousins McKenzie and identical twin Molly. McKenzie became a hero and role model during her battle with Hodgkin's Lymphoma not once, but twice. Molly became a hero when she unselfishly donated stem cells. 

I hope you will enjoy “The Emerald Brooch” and the characters that epitomize the bravery exhibited by these two amazing young women.  

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