Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Ruthanne Reid

Greetings, fellow word-slingers! This is finals week for me, so today’s post will be an exceptionally broad overview of an exceptionally important topic: your story’s setting. The story setting includes everything that affects your characters. It is the environment in which they live, breathe, and find meaning. It is where they fail and learn to succeed. All this to say, your story’s environment matters.

Why your story’s environment matters

Creating an effective environment is a key facet to your story’s success. It’s part of world-building; and no, we aren’t talking about weather, though naturally, that plays a part. No, my friends, the importance of environment can be summarized in two key reasons:

1. The environment determines the ways in which your characters respond to your plot’s stimuli (i.e., when you throw rocks at them). The way your character thinks is largely determined by who they hang out with, by the prevailing political systems, by the economic and technological advancement of their world.  (Yes, even if your character is full-on-Katniss-Everdeen, rebel in the world you’ve built, that character is still framing “rebellion” in relation to their environment).

2. The environment determines how deep your reader can swim in your book…

To read the rest of the post, click here:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  • Write A Blockbuster - Part 2: 10 Tips For A Successful Launch | Write to Done
  • World Building Tip: Craft Your Story Setting
  • Writing Mechanics: To Paragraph or Not to Paragraph | Live Write Thrive
  • 13 Jedi Tips on How to Be the Best Blogger & Writer You Can Be | Positive Writer
  • Online Learning Tip: Make The Most Of Learning On The Go
  • Freelance Writing: 3 Ways to Earn More Without Marketing
  • Writer Beware®: The Blog: Signing Away Your Rights: Arbitration Clauses in Book Contracts
  • Make Holiday Gifts of Your Creative Writing by Annmarie Miles · Writer's Fun Zone
  • Minimalism and the Writing Life - Meg Wolfe
  • Pub Hub: Process and Productivity
  • How 5 minutes a day can revitalize your writing | Articles | Home
  • Go Teen Writers: Five Places Ideas Come From - A Guest Post From Angela Ruth Strong
  • How to Perform a Detailed Analysis of Your Social Media Competitors : Social Media Examiner
  • 5 Questions on Self-Publishing Success, the Interview - The Book Designer
  • Surviving Failure and Rejection #writetip
  • Christmas Downtime - Books & Such Literary Management
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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