Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Alex Limberg (Kristen Lamb’s Blog)

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Have you ever written a character you thought you couldn’t portray well because he was too different from you? In this post, Alex lays out three secrets on how to make a character like that come to life!

The situation feels so awkward for you: This guy, you just can’t understand what he is all about.

You have really given your best to make it work.

You wanted to discreetly overlook his annoying sense of entitlement (from his perspective, you won’t ever get anywhere, because you are way too modest).

You tried not to judge his ridiculous uptight correctness (he thinks you have no manners).

And you really made an effort to explain that you don’t enjoy small talk and you feel happiest when you are alone with a book (to him, you are too withdrawn; he seems to even get a kick out of chatting with the sales assistant).

But you absolutely don’t understand him. It’s just that the two of you are so different.

The worst part is, you have an important project together and you will have to work with him for months and see him almost on a daily basis.

You have no idea how you will be able to work with somebody like this. Seriously, this will be bad.

But there is also good news: The guy just exists in your head.

He is one of the main characters in your newest novel. If you want to make that novel work though, you better get to understand him on a level as intimate as your very best friend.

Here are three highly practical tips on how to connect with a character who is very different from you:

1. Find the Perfect Template Person in the Real World

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To read the rest of the post, click here:


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  • Reach Thousands More Readers With a Few Clicks? Meet BookGrabbr (and Grab a Special Offer) - Where Writers Win
  • Literary Agents in the Digital Age: Interview with Jessica Faust
  • Writer Beware®: The Blog: Signing Away Your Rights: Arbitration Clauses in Book Contracts
  • What Happens When An Author Dies. Estate Planning With Kathryn Goldman | The Creative Penn
  • How A Pantser Outlines: My Method | Molly Greene: Writer
  • Using Grammar to Strengthen Our Voice — Guest: Julie Glover | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  • 3 Simple Tricks to Create a Character OH SO Different From YOU | Kristen Lamb's Blog
  • Scrivener Fundamentals: What every Scrivener user should know (but probably doesn’t)
  • New Page Plugin Features: Events and Messages - Facebook for Developers
  • Our New LinkedIn App is Here! Making it Easier than Ever to Stay In Touch with the People...
  • The Writer and The Market Should Be Friends |
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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