Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday's Links to Writing and Marketing Blog Posts

By: Grant Faulkner

Revising your novel might be easier than you think – you already have a story to work with, and hopefully a constructive inner editor to play with. But having a plan and knowing what lies ahead will prepare you for the process.

Your inner editor, despite his persnickety reputation, can be a good guy to have around. It’s a controversial statement, I know, but I’m going on record with it.

Now, to be clear, all of us in NaNoLand advise writers to banish their inner editors during NaNoWriMo. No one wants to endure some crank screaming in the background or get dressed down for a plot hole during the rush of writing a first draft. But with a first draft in hand, you’ve now built a playground for your inner editor to frolic in.

I recently opened the door to the dark mental dungeon where my inner editor has been locked up, and it turns out he’s got a nice smile (though he is a bit pale). Examining the arc of my novel is like going down a twisting, double-dipper slide for him, and he loves brainstorming stirring details to add to my story’s cauldron. He also possesses a rather refined eye for sentences written in the passive voice, and he likes prodding me to write with “vivid verbs” and to “show don’t tell.”

So I am set to rewrite my chaotic swirling mess of a novel and see if I can shape it into something readable, if not outright good. Though revision has a reputation for being daunting and full of drudgery, it also holds the potential for deep satisfaction in the process of shaping the contours of your jagged ideas.

It starts with a plan

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To read the rest of the post, click here:


If you missed my latest writing and marketing tweets, here they are again:
  • Blogging, Marketing & Social Media: Three Rules I Break & Why - WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™
  • What Else Are Your BookBub Readers Reading?  by @DianaUrban at @BookBubPartners #publishing
  • 33 Ways to Write Stronger Characters (and why they should be your #1 concern) — She's Novel
  • How to Use Either, Neither, Or, and Nor Correctly
  • WOW! Women On Writing Blog: 4 Major Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Blog Posts
  • 5 Ways to Squeeze Writing into Your Life | Writers' Rumpus
  • 10 Pre-Publication Tips – Lewis Editorial
  • Five Google Search Tips for Authors by Virginia Kelly | Romance University
  • how do I not make a Mary Sue? - The Plot Line Hotline
  • 5 Easy Tips for Dealing with Email with Kayelle Allen | Romance University
  • Rewriting Your Script (Part 7): Scene-by-scene breakdown | Go Into The Story
  • 7 Book Marketing Trends Authors Can’t Afford to Ignore - The Book Designer
  • 11 Tips that Will Make Your Writing Shine | This Incandescent Life
  • Do Your Characters Worry About Money? | A Writer's Path
  • Writer Unboxed – about the craft and business of fiction
  • What gives a book bestseller potential? - Books & Such Literary Management
  • Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 42 Writing Contests in February - No entry fees
  • The Essential Guide To Nailing Your Character's Appearance (plus a character sketch template) — She's Novel
  • Q&A: How Do I Even Begin? - Michael Hauge's Story Mastery
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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