Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jami Gold

I’ve written many times about how much I love subtext, the stuff that happens between the lines. We often hear that subtext is what’s not said, but that can imply that subtext is limited to dialogue.

In fact, subtext lurks in many aspects of our stories. The messages readers get from our writing aren’t always explicitly stated—in dialogue or otherwise.

We can find implied messages in different story elements, such as:

Each of those elements can “say” something—with implied promises, expectations, or impressions—without coming out and stating the idea directly for readers.

The Benefits of Subtext

When readers put story pieces together in their minds to create a fuller understanding, they immerse themselves deeper into the story. If a story is too “on the nose” or is spoon-fed to us, it can feel insulting, like the author assumed we couldn’t figure it out on our own.

Subtext can also make our characters feel more realistic. As September C.Fawkes says in her fantastic post on subtext:

“Whether or not we want to admit it, whether or not we are even conscious of it, we all have things we don’t want others to know about us. All of our characters do too. Using subtext makes our characters and story feel more well-rounded and realistic.”

According to September, subtext also can add tension in our story:

“When we communicate our feelings directly, we lose tension. It’s what’s not being said that creates tension. It creates anticipation and apprehension, keeps us interested because of what’s boiling under the surface.”

But another benefit to using subtext is that it helps us build layered characters. Let’s take a closer look…

Layers and Subtext: The Key Idea

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To read the rest of the post, click here:


If you missed my latest writing and marketing tweets, here they are again:
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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